Suburban Chicago Area Neuropathy Experts

(Leg/Foot Nerve Pain & Arm/Hand Nerve Pain)


Neuropathy (nerve pain) Experts

Our team of caring professionals take a 
specialized approach to nerve pain.

FDA Approved treatment heals and restores the nerves and nerve function with a 

non-invasive treatment, even in the most severe case, without the use of drugs or surgery.

There are over 100 causes of neuropathy. We are going to talk about a few of the more common causes. The most common is diabetic neuropathy. Approximately 50% of diabetic patients will develop neuropathy. Generally, it starts in the toes and feet, then spreads to the ankles, and eventually the calves. As the symptoms develop between the ankles and the calves, some patients may start to feel symptoms develop in their fingertips. It doesn’t affect all the fingertips at first, but as it progresses, all of the fingertips become affected with neuropathy. Then neuropathy migrates to the fingers, then the hand and eventually it reaches the arms. Another cause of neuropathy is from chemotherapy. The chemotherapy medication is generally used for cancer treatment and  is designed to kill off the cancer cells, but it can also kill off the delicate nerve cells that cause neuropathy. Generally this type of neuropathy develops in the hands and feet at the same time, about one to two months after stopping the chemotherapy treatments. Another type of neuropathy is called “idiopathic” neuropathy or “unknown” causes of neuropathy. Approximately 30% of neuropathies are of the idiopathic type. Modern medicine just doesn’t know why you have idiopathic neuropathy. You can also develop neuropathy in the nerves that goes to your organs, which is called Autonomic neuropathy. This is usually a later stage of neuropathy, where the signals from the brain don’t all arrive at your internal organs and cause them not to function as well as they should. Left untreated and/or taking medication is not truly treating neuropathy, it just dulls the pain in the brain so you can function during the day or sleep better at night. Neuropathy generally gets worse as time goes on, even as symptoms diminish; which can be a sign that the nerves are dying off.  Eventually, some patients are told they need to have their medication dosage increased and possible amputation because of neuropathy.

Free Neuropathy Seminar/Classes

At our FREE seminar/classes, you'll learn how you can get back to doing what you love with our safe, effective, non-surgical, FDA cleared neuropathy treatment program:

  • The underlying causes of peripheral neuropathy, nerve pain, and the key to prevention.

  • The Nobel prize winning discovery that every neuropathy patient MUST know.

  • How peripheral neuropathy & nerve pain is diagnosed and when it can be successfully treated.

  • A treatment originally developed by NASA that helps decrease painful neuropathy symptoms.

  • The simple changes to your diet that can help prevent peripheral neuropathy from developing.

  • Advanced diagnostic testing to help determine if your condition can be treated.

Board Certified In Neuropathy,

Leading Neuropathy Expert,

Lecturer and Inventor,

Member Of The International 

Neuropathy Association

Top Doctor 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024


More Than 30 Years Of Neuropathy Treatment Experience

Local Doctor Daniel P. Horn, DC was recently recognized as one of the BEST neuropathy treatment physicans in the country by the International Neuropathy Association.

This advanced training and presentation took place at the NEURODoc Peripheral Neuropathy training facilities in Jupiter, Florida. The certification was presented by the Co-Chairman of the I.N., Dr Eric Kaplan as well as memeber of their board representing the U.S.A.

Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition that affects millions of people and often causes Leg Pain, Foot Pain, Knee Pain, Burining, Numbness, Tingling, Pins and Needles, Arm Pain, Loss of Strength, Balance and Coordination Problems & more....

One of the key components to reducing the damaging effects of peripheral neuropathy is being seen by a doctor who has this specialized training. Dr. Horn continues to provide the latest & most cost-effective options for the treatment of peripheral Neuropathy. His facilities are considered state-of-the-art and Dr. Horn is commited to providing 1st class care to patients who often travel from long distances to seek his care. 

Dr. Horn has made a commitment to help his patients to avoid Gabapentin, Lyrica, Cymbalta,  & unnecessary procedures. Nerve Pain Centers  provides safe, gentle & effective relief for upward of 94% of patients who qualify for care. 

"The most common mistakes neuropathy sufferers make are to take 'the it will go away on its own' or 'the medications will get me better' mentality. Doing this for long periods can cause you to reach a point of no return."-Dr. Daniel P. Horn, DC


Neuropathy pain treatment is life's work for Horns
Published by the daily Herald
APRIL 10TH 2022

Several years ago. a car plowed into Eleanor Rourke as she was crossing the street. Her right side was nearly demolished. Her legs were broken in eight places with severe nerve damage and nerve pain. The specialists told her she probably would never walk again.

Although she still needs some therapy, today Rourke is able to get around without even using a cane. She credits her recovery to Chiropractor Dr. Daniel Horn and his neuropathy treatment program.

"The doctors are responsible for bringing me to where I am today." Rourke said. Drs. Daniel and Peter Horn, chiropractors. and brother Steve Horn, an office administrator, are part of the staff at Nerve Pain Centers. Neuropathy and Nerve Pain Treatment centers with locations in Palatine, Bloomingdale. Des Plaines and Elgin. The centers often see patients who have experienced increased nerve pain, numbness, tingling and burning sensations that have continued over the years. as well as patients who have conditions and symptoms that have worsened. and are harder to diagnose. such as side effects from chemotherapy. prescription drugs and diabetes.

"The main reason why people come to us is that they have heard about the side effects or problems with certain types of medications and prescription drugs. or they may be wary of following a drug treatment plan for long term care." Horn said.

If you are experiencing debilitating pain, numbness, and tingling, they 

are likely caused by neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is a common condition that affects 21 million Americans,  and once identified can be successfully treated without the use of drugs and surgery. Too many physicians want to rush you out of the office without really listening and give you yet another pill to mask your symptoms. Our doctors take your condition very seriously, as we believe it is critical to help prevent your balance problems, falls and fractures that neuropathy can cause. We will sit down with you to determine if you're an eligible candidate for this groundbreaking treatment and review all of your treatment options.














Pain & Inflammation








"this approach to dealing with my neuropathy has been successful for me"

I’m a retired medical physician, and so I started this program with Nerve Pain Centers with some skepticism about whether it would help me, but my neuropathy in both feet was so severe that I decided to take a chance on it with a chiropractor. As you know, chiropractors and medical doctors don’t always work together. Within the first week after I started the Nerve Pain Centers program, the neuropathy began to be less noticable and I’ve been on the program now for about a month or two and the neuropathy is almost all gone. I would say 80 percent of it is gone. So, this approach to dealing with my neuropathy has been successful for me. I hope it continues to improve.

Dr. John H, MD

"I have no more stinging and burning in my arms from my shoulder down, and my hands"

My name is Kathy and I've been with Nerve Pain Centers and I've had wonderful results. I was very skeptical in the beginning about trying this program but I wasn't walking well, my balance was off and the tingling and the burning was happening. I’d go to my doctors and I've had shots. And I thought it's time to try something different. I've seen the articles in the paper for a long, long time. I've heard great things about the three Horn brothers. I was thoroughly impressed when I first came into the office. I wasn't quite sure what we were doing when it came to the light and the vibration and truthfully I wasn't sold on it in the beginning, but what a difference it had made as we continued it. Liz and Lisa have helped me immensely and Doctor Dan was always there to answer any questions as well as Dr. Pete and I've seen Steve and I just couldn’t be happier. Some days I didn’t want to go, but I sure did feel better everytime I went, the Nerve Pain Centers helped me. I have no more stinging and burning in my arms from my shoulder down, and my hands, which went on since 2016. It never stopped, I still have a little numbness and some weakness but I'm working at that. The staff was very patient with me. This group has just been my life saver, I recommend it to anyone that's really going through the pain and stinging from the neuropathy. I don’t feel my money was wasted, I feel they were truthful every step of the way. I wish you good luck and that you have the same luck I did. Thank you!


"I have improved so much that I am now done with the program and am grateful that this practice has helped me. "

Hi, I am a 60 year old woman who has been suffering with neuropathy in my hands and feet for years. I have been going to various specialists, internists, I've been sent to a Cardiologist, ahematologist, and a rheumatologist. Every doctor has passed me from one to the other, but most of the doctors recommend that I take          gabapentin which is a medicine that has side effects that I am not interested in dealing with and that is not going to help the problem. So I finally had the courage to attend Doctor Horn’s seminar. I signed up after the seminar because I felt confident that he could help me. I went through his full hour consultation and he really felt that not only did I need the help but that he could very much improve my situation. So I signed up for the program. I have improved so much that I am now done with theprogram and am grateful that this practice has helped me. They are the only doctors that have helped my problem. I am actually pain free now, I very seldom have any issues, and I am truly blessed and grateful that they helped me. If you have neuropathy, I highly recommend you come here because they will help you more than any other doctor. He knows what he's doing, he has done all of his research. They take the time with different surveys and questionnaires that I filled out. They have follow-up appointments, they re-tested me every month, and we could see the continual and gradual progress and I am so happy that I did this. You will not go wrong. Trust this practice, you will be very happy.


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Neuropathy Seminar locations

Palantine Seminar Location

Des Plaines Seminar Location

Elgin Seminar Location

Bloomingdale Seminar Location