Our Team

april 9th 2022

Several years ago, a car plowed into Eleanor Rourke as she was crossing the street. Her right side was nearly demolished. Her legs were broken in eight places with severe nerve damage and nerve pain. The specialists told her she probably would never walk again.

Although she still needs some therapy, today Rourke is able to get around without even using a cane. She credits her recovery to Chiropractor Dr. Daniel Horn and his neuropathy treatment program.

"The doctors are responsible for bringing me to where I am today", Rourke said. Drs. Daniel and Peter Horn, chiropractors. and brother Steve Horn, an office administrator, are part of the staff at Nerve Pain Centers, Neuropathy and Nerve Pain Treatment centers with locations in Palatine, Bloomingdale, Des Plaines and Elgin. The centers often see patients who have experienced increased nerve pain, numbness, tingling and burning sensations that have continued over the years. as well as patients who have conditions and symptoms that have worsened and are harder to diagnose, such as side effects from chemotherapy, prescription drugs and diabetes. "The main reason why people come to us is that they have heard about the side effects or problems with certain types of medications and prescription drugs, or they may be wary of following a drug treatment plan for long term care." Horn said.

If you are experiencing debilitating pain, numbness, and tingling, they are likely caused by neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is a common condition that affects 21 million Americans, and once identified can be successfully treated without the use of drugs and surgery. Too many physicians want to rush you out of the office without really listening and give you yet another pill to mask your symptoms. Our doctors take your condition very seriously, as we believe it is critical to help prevent your balance problems, falls, and fractures that neuropathy can cause. We will sit down with you to determine if you're an eligible candidate for this groundbreaking treatment and review all of your treatment options.

More than 30 Years of Neuropathy Treatment Experience

We have been in practice for over 30 years and have developed a unique “neuropathy treatment” system with specific step-by-step treatment protocols. These protocols enable us to restore and improve peripheral neuropathy, nerve damage conditions without the use of drugs, medications, injections or surgery, there-by relieving or eliminating symptoms in the most efficient and effective way possible.

We have created a proprietary treatment program that addresses these common symptoms. The program also helps the patient maintain an active lifestyle and decreases the chance for recurrence of the peripheral neuropathy.

Dr. Daniel Horn And Dr. Peter Horn Chiropractors

Dr. Daniel Horn, DC was recently recognized by the international MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD on spinal decompression. This advanced training  took place at the National Spinal Disc Disorders in North Palm Beach, Flordia. The Certification was presented by the co-chairman of the international medical advisory board on spinal decompression (I.M.A.V.S.D), Dr. Eric Kaplan.   

Our extensive experience allows us to offer a non-surgical intervention with a variety of treatments such as: electrotherapy, cold laser, axial traction, therapeutic exercise, functional and performance enhancing therapy, and manual therapy. We have the ability to treat even the most difficult cases that have not previously responded to the standard course of care.

Our complete range of services also include peripheral neuropathy exam, review of diagnostic tests such as EMG/NCVs, X-rays, MRIs, muscle testing, and range of motion provided by chiropractors or sports medicine doctors, and incorporates the results into a comprehensive treatment plan.

We Have Had Experience In Treating The Following Conditions:
  • Peripheral Neuropathy, Neuritis/Brachial Neuralgia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Lumbalgia/Low Back Pain, Thoracalgia/Mid-Back Pain

  • Paresthesia/Numbness/Tingling, Disc Degeneration, Arm & Leg Pain/Tendonitis

  • Sciatica Pain

  • Herniated Disc/Pinched Nerve, Osteoarthritis, Spinal Stenosis

We evaluate, prescribe, and monitor the rehabilitation needs of our patients. Our doctors coordinate the service sof the rehabilitation team with the overall management of the patient’s health and wellness plan from the referring physician. We work with each patient to help them regain the level of function needed to resume daily activities.

Reports are provided to the patient after the initial evaluation, each re-evaluation, and discharge from care. This allows for each patient’s progress to be tracked as well as to help set new goals for each phase of treatment. Our referral process is as simple as a phone call to schedule an appointment for evaluation. We take care of the rest.

Our facility, complete with separate peripheral neuropathy suite, is conveniently located at 4 locations: Palatine, Des Plaines, Elgin and Bloomingdale.

We welcome your questions regarding our peripheral neuropathy, physical medicine, sports medicine, or rehabilitation therapy programs. Please feel free to contact us with your questions. 847-644-7175

Schedule your free Neuropathy seminar today! Call 844-644-7175
Dr. Daniel P. Horn, DC

Dr. Daniel P. Horn, DC, is board certified in peripheral neuropathy and also is a health expert, inventor and lecturer. He has developed a Neuropathy Treatment Program that doesn't involve drugs or surgery. This program has successfully treated over 5,000 cases throughout the last 30 years. As a health and wellness expert dealing in peripheral neuropathy, and the beneficial effects on the nerves, he has reduced pain and improved the function and quality of life for his patients. He is also a chiropractor and has been treating clients and patients since 1983 in the Chicago land area and from around the world. He is a member of the Foundation for Wellness Professionals with the purpose of bringing prevention and wellness lifestyle programs to the community. He is a member of Who's Who of American Inventors, as well as the National Institutue of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Electromedical Research Academy. Dr. Horn holds a patent for the invention of the Venipuncture Device. Dr. Horn and his staff are dedicated to helping improve the health of others through nutritional treatment, education, evaluating, listening and mentoring.

Dr. Peter J. Horn, DC, CCSP

Dr. Peter J. Horn, DC, CCSP (Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician) is a health and wellness expert using nutrition, fitness and education tohelp improve overall function and well being. He has been treating patients to improve their wellness since 1983 and has been a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician since 1995. Dr. Horn treats the body to improve overall function through lifestyle changes,clinical care, and therapeutic activity. He has been delivering health and wellness care to people in the community, including professional, college and high school athletes. Dr. Horn has completed further studies in Endo Balance (hormones, health and wellness) and Neurological Relief Centers Technique. He is a member of the Foundation for Wellness Professionals with the purpose to bring disease prevention and wellness lifestyle programs to the community. Dr. Horn is a team member of a unique group of professionals that helps change the health and wellness of each and every person he works with.


"Stuck to the plan and I haven't had any problems since"

For years I had a lot of sciatic and lower back pain. A medical Dr told me I needed surgery. A friend recommended I go see Dr. Dan and Dr. Pete, they were awesome!! they put me on a plan, I stuck to the plan and I haven’t had any problems since. I would recommend this place.

Jeff Egers

"Great And Really Help Me Get Through The Treatment."

My name is Kathy and I've been with Advanced Wellness and I've had wonderful results. I was very skeptical in the beginning about trying this program but I wasn't walking well, my balance was off andthe tingling and the burning was happening. I’d go to my doctors andI've had shots. And I thought it's time to try something different. I've seen the articles in the paper for a long, long time. I've heard great things about the three Horn brothers. I was thoroughly impressed when I first came into the office. I wasn't quite sure what we were doing when it came to the light and the vibration and truthfully I wasn't sold on it in the beginning, but what a difference it had made as we continued it. Liz and Lisa have helped me immensely and Doctor Dan was always there to answer any questions as well as Dr. Pete and I've seen Steve and I just couldn’t be happier. Some days I didn’t want to go, but I sure did feel better everytime I went, the Nerve Pain Centers helped me. I have no more stinging and burning in my arms from my shoulder down, and my hands, which went on since 2016. It never stopped, I still have a little numbness and some weakness but I'm working at that. The staff was very patient with me. This group has just been my life saver, I recommend it to anyone that's really going through the pain and stinging from the neuropathy. I don’t feel my money was wasted, I feel they were truthful every step of the way. I wish you good luck and that you have the same luck I did. Thank you! Thank you


"I have improved so much that I am now done with the program and am grateful that this practice has helped me. "

Hi, I am a 60 year old woman who has been suffering withneuropathy in my hands and feet for years. I have been going tovarious specialists, internists, I've been sent to a Cardiologist, a hematologist, and a rheumatologist. Every doctor has passed me from one to the other, but most of the doctors recommend that I take gabapentin which is a medicine that has side effects that I am not interested in dealing with and that is not going to help the problem. So I finally had the courage to attend Doctor Horn’s seminar. I signed up after the seminar because I felt confident that he could help me. I went through his full hour consultation and he really felt that not only did I need the help but that he could very much improve my situation. So I signed up for the program. I have improved so much that I am now done with the program and am grateful that this practice has helped me. They are the only doctors that have helped my problem. I am actually pain free now, I very seldom have any issues, and I am truly blessed and grateful that they helped me. If you have neuropathy, I highly recommend you come here because they will help you more than any other doctor. He knows what he's doing, he has done all of his research. They take the time with different surveys and questionnaires that I filled out. They have follow-up appointments, they re-tested me every month, and we could see the continual and gradual progress and I am so happy that I did this. You will not go wrong. Trust this practice, you will be very happy.
