"Thank You For Your Knowledge And Expertise"
I’m a retired medical physician, and so I started this program with Nerve Pain Centers with some skepticism about whetherit would help me, but my neuropathy in both feet was so severe that I decided to take a chance on it with a chiropractor. As you know, chiropractors and medical doctors don’t always work together.Within the first week after I started the Nerve Pain Centers program, the neuropathy began to be less noticable and I’ve been on the program now for about a month or two and the neuropathy is almost all gone. I would say 80 percent of it is gone. So, this approach to dealing with my neuropathy has been successful for me. I hope it continues to improve.
Dr. J.H MD
Several years ago, a car plowed into Eleanor Rourke as she was crossing the street. Her right side was nearly demolished. Her legs were broken in eight places with severe nerve damage and nerve pain. The specialists told her she probably would never walk again. Although she still needs some therapy, today Rourke is able to get around without even using a cane. She credits her recovery to Chiropractor Dr. Daniel Horn and his neuropathy treatment program.
"The doctors are responsible for bringing me to where I am today", Rourke said. Dr's. Daniel and Peter Horn, chiropractors, and brother Steve Horn, an office administrator, are part of the staff at Nerve Pain Centers. Neuropathy and Nerve Pain Treatment centers with locations in Palatine, Bloomingdale, Des Plaines and Elgin. The centers often see patients who have experienced increased nerve pain, numbness, tingling and burning sensations that have continued over the years, as well as patients who have conditions and symptoms that have worsened and are harder to diagnose, such as side effects from chemotherapy, prescription drugs and diabetes. "The main reason why people come to us is that they have heard about the side effects or problems with certain types of medications and prescription drugs, or they may be wary of following a drug treatment plan for long term care." Horn said
if you are experiencing debilitating pain, numbness, and tingling, they are likely caused by neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is a common condition that affects 24 million Americans, and once identified can be successfully treated without the use of drugs and surgery. Too many physicians want to rush you out of the office without really listening and give you yet another pill to mask your symptoms. Our doctors take your condition very seriously, as we believe it is critical to help prevent your balance problems as well as the falls and fractures that neuropathy can cause. We will sit down with you to determine if you're an eligible candidate for this groundbreaking treatment and review all of your treatment options.
More Than 30 Years Of Neuropathy Treatment Experience
"Great Program"
My name is Kathy and I've been with Nerve Pain Centers and I've had wonderful results. I was very skeptical in the beginning about trying this program but I wasn't walking well, my balance was off and the tingling and the burning was happening. I’d go to my doctors and I've had shots. And I thought it's time to try something different. I've seen the articles in the paper for a long, long time. I've heard great things about the three Horn brothers. I was thoroughly impressed when I first came into the office. I wasn't quite sure what we were doing when it came to the light and the vibration and truthfully I wasn't sold on it in the beginning, but what a difference it had made as we continued it. Liz and Lisa have helped me immensely and Doctor Dan was always there to answer any questions as well as Dr. Pete and I've seen Steve and I just couldn’t be happier. Some days I didn’t want to go, but I sure did feel better everytime I went, the Nerve Pain Centers helped me. I have no more stinging and burning in my arms from my shoulder down, and my hands, which went on since 2016. It never stopped, I still have a little numbness and some weakness but I'm working at that. The staff was very patient with me. This group has just been my life saver, I recommend it to anyone that's really going through the pain and stinging from the neuropathy. I don’t feel my money was wasted, I feel they were truthful every step of the way. I wish you good luck and that you have the same luck I did. Thank you!
"Really Nice And Very Encouraging."
Hi, I am a 60 year old woman who has been suffering with neuropathy in my hands and feet for years. I have been going to various specialists, internists, I've been sent to a Cardiologist, ahematologist, and a rheumatologist. Every doctor has passed me from one to the other, but most of the doctors recommend that I take gabapentin which is a medicine that has side effects that I am not interested in dealing with and that is not going to help the problem. So I finally had the courage to attend Doctor Horn’s seminar. I signed up after the seminar because I felt confident that he could help me. I went through his full hour consultation and he really felt that not only did I need the help but that he could very much improve my situation. So I signed up for the program. I have improved so much that I am now done with the program and am grateful that this practice has helped me. They are the only doctors that have helped my problem. I am actually pain free now, I very seldom have any issues, and I am truly blessed and grateful that they helped me. If you have neuropathy, I highly recommend you come here because they will help you more than any other doctor. He knows what he's doing, he has done all of his research. They take the time with different surveys and questionnaires that I filled out. They have follow-up appointments, they re-tested me every month, and we could see the continual and gradual progress and I am so happy that I did this. You will not go wrong. Trust this practice, you will be very happy.
"The Programs Are Tailor Made For My Problem"
Hi, I'm here to tell you my experience with my neuropathy program. I'm talking about Dr. Dan. About a year-and-a-half ago I was teaching line dancing, and I found that my left foot was getting really, really feeling bad and burning, so I had to give up the line dancing program. And I'm very active in sports and exercising and I got to the point where it was just hurting me too bad. So I had this, saw this ad in one of the newspapers about Nerve Pain Centers, and I decided to come in and listen to his program. Well, when I got here everything he said applied to me. Those were all the symptoms I had and I thought gee, I have to do this. I have to do something to try and help myself to get better. So my husband and I came in to hear what the program would be, and we decided I should do it, and I'm so glad I did because right at this point I feel like I'm a hundred percent better. I can do all the things I did before and I am just so thankful that I came for Dr. Dan’s program. The nutrition part, the vitamins, the exercise program, all the programs he gave were great and they just help me really continue my life. I celebrated my 80th birthday and I feel like I'm 15 back and I just thank the Lord that I took this program and I'm feeling as good as I did,
"I Have Never Felt Any Better"
Since I've been coming to the Nerve Pain Centers and working with Dr. Dan, my feet feel over 90% better. I don't have the numbness like I did before, the pain. Most of my pain was from when I was just sitting in the chair and putting my feet up and that's pretty much a 100% fixed. I still get a little tingling or numbness now and then, but for the most part I'll go a whole day or many days without even thinking about it. Where before I thought about it almost all day constantly, so it's been great.
"Dr. Horn Has Helped To Start Getting Me Back To My Normal Life"
My level of pain was so bad in my legs, the pins and needle feeling and the numbness in my hands, I couldn't even sleep in a bed at night. So I gave it a shot and I came here for 3 months, took the nutritionals, went through the therapy. I used the red light treatment, the vibrating disk and the electronic stimulator. I've had tremendous success. My legs and my feet are 0 for pain. I don't have any pain whatsoever. When I started I couldn't even use my legs as far as having any feeling or anything of that nature. They wanted to replace my right knee because you know it was worn out cartilage and all this stuff from when I was young. Fortunately the inflammation is going down to such a level that the right knee doesn't even hurt, so I'm not going to do any knee surgery. I don't have any level of pain, the pain is all gone. So if I had to rate it when I started maybe it was a 9 or so, right now the pain level in my feet and legs are 0. My hands are better, my left hand is a zero I have no problem whatsoever, my right hand is maybe a 2 and I have some tingling in that. You know what, I finished the treatment and I thought that it was of such value tome personally. I just wanted to let people know that I think this is a good program, it has been very beneficial to me.
"The Atmosphere Is Relaxed And No Pressure."
Hello, My name is Grazyna, and I came here in May. I was having some problems with my feet, especially the left one. I was having avery burning sensation, especially during the night, which started 3 years ago. It was becoming more intense where it was happening almost every day and night. I didn’t know what to do until I ran into an ad on the paper that actually addressed my symptoms. I contacted the program and I’m very excited and happy that I came. After the treatment program, my burning sensation stopped and I feel much better after all the supplements that I got which improved my overall well being. Not only the symptoms from the burning sensation. I have been welcomed here by wonderful people, wonderful staff, and Dr. Horn took very serious responsibility of helping me, and giving me time and treatment that was very very satisfactory. I came here, with pleasure and anticipation of being taken care of in a very very good way. Thank you Dr. Horn,
"Highly Recommend Nerve Pain Centers."
Hi my name is Steve, I've been coming to Nerve Pain Centers for the last 4 weeks. I've been treating a nerve condition I have. Its a nerve condition after being diagnosed with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome in 2014. I went through physical therapy which didn’t work for me, and then I had surgery on both arms in 2015. After surgery I had physical therapy and I had a lot of pain, I asked the doctor about it and he said there was nothing they could do for the pain in my arms. At the end of 2015, they did a functional capacity evaluation which said I couldn’t work or use my arms, all I could do was sit and stretch. They never had an answer for the pain. I saw three different neurologists and they said there was nothing they could really do, and that it was chronic neuropathy. They just put me on gabapentin medication, and the more pain there was, the more drugs they gave me. I then tried acupuncture and that did not work, I still had pain. I tried physical therapy again and still nothing would work. I came to Nerve Pain Centers for neuropathy treatment and after 4 weeks, its improved a lot, my pain level was at a 4 and came down to a 0. I’m getting more function and feeling in my fingers and arms. It’s really been a great thing since everybody told me there was nothing they could do for me. Dr. Horn listened to me and started the treatments, everything has been good so far and I recommend them to anyone who thinks they have no hope or doctors give them no hope besides drugs. Thank you
"Great And Really Help Me Get Through The Treatment."
My name is Florence Johnson and I am a neuropathy patient here with Dr. Horn at Nerve Pain Centers. When I came here I really didn't have any feeling in my feet, maybe about 22%. Within the first two treatments, it went up to almost 68%. I usually couldn't sleep at night, my feet had sharp pains, I don’t have that anymore. The last evaluation I had, I’m almost at 100%, I advise you to at least try it, I think you will feel much better. You have nothing to lose and I just wanted to give you my encouragement. Thank you
Florence Johnson
"Dr. Dan Horn Horn is Awesome!"
Hello, Im Phil, I’m a patient of Dr. Horn and I have been seeing him for my neuropathy in my hands and legs. I was somewhat skeptical when I first started because I had a neurologist that said that there was no hope for me with neuropathy and it would never get better. My results have been really surprising and I feel a lot better, I used to have pain in my hands and it has gone away. I used to have numbness in my legs and that has gotten better. Overall I feel that I’ve made a big improvement. Most of all, the fact that I have a future to look forward to. The staff at the clinic are just wonderful. The people there treat you like a person, they’re concerned about you and you don’t feel like just another patient. I’m very impressed with their facility and how they treat people, number one, they care about you. I’m very pleased.
"Thank You For Your Knowledge And Expertise"
I’m a retired medical physician, and so I started this program with Nerve Pain Centers with some skepticism about whether it would help me, but my neuropathy in both feet was so severe that I decided to take a chance on it with a chiropractor. As you know, chiropractors and medical doctors don’t always work together. Within the first week after I started the Nerve Pain Centers program, the neuropathy began to be less noticable and I’ve been on the program now for about a month or two and the neuropathy is almost all gone. I would say 80 percent of it is gone. So, this approach to dealing with my neuropathy has been successful for me. I hope it continues to improve.
Dr. J.H MD
"Truly Care About Helping You."
The staff and the doctors truly care about helping you. I have had a low back problem for years and since I have been getting treatment I have had no pain. Dr. Dan, and the staff have been wonderful to work with.
Anonymous Patient
"Thank You For Your Knowledge And Expertise"
Dear Dr. Horn. Just a note to thank you for your knowledge and expertise that has enabled me to prevent the neuropathy that had started in my hands and feet from progressing and getting worse. I feel so blessed to have seen the article in the news paper. I appreciate all the time you took to explain the program you use and the time you take to measure the progress. I would certainly urge anyone who thinks they might have neuropathy or who are now suffering with it, to come to your clinic and let you explain how your program can help improve their quality of life. I was amazed at how the circulation in my hands and feet improved in just a few months! Many thanks to you and your staff for your dedication and caring.
Barbara S.
"Great Program"
Great attention to detail and taking care of my needs. I’m experiencing rapid recovery. Great program that strengthens my core and provides flexibility in my back.
Anonymous Patient (Patent since 2011)
"Really Nice And Very Encouraging"
From the kind front desk greetings to the thorough medical exam and treatment plan to the informative consultation, Dr Horn's team at the clinic showed that they were interested in helping me heal my injuries and help my body be even stronger and healthier than before. Everyone is really nice and very encouraging.
Anonymous Patient (Patient since 2012)
"The Programs Are Tailor Made For My Problem"
The staff work as a team to facilitate the healing and recovery process for me. The programs are tailor made for my problem. I’ve been there for a little over a month and have more range of motion in my back than before I came and a lot less pain.
Michele W. (Patient since 2013)
"I Have Never Felt Any Better"
Thank you for the treatment I've been getting. I have never felt any better. Keep up the great work.
Carlos G. (Patient since 2012)
"Dr. Horn Has Helped To Start Getting Me Back To My Normal Life"
When I started at Dr. Horn's I was in pain in my face and neck as well as my hip. Dr. Horn has helped to start getting me back to my normal life. After many different doctors I was running out of hope, but thanks to all of the great staff and their awesome techniques.
Thank you
Teresa S. (Patient since 2012)
"They Really Cared About My Health"
I visited Nerve Pain Centers Clinic on May 25th of this year, and I have been going there ever since. I had been dealing with shoulder, neck, and back pain. I had gone to previous chiropractors in the past, but I felt that they never got to the root of the problem so I thought that I would give Dr. Horn a chance. Dr. Daniel Horn and Dr. Peter Horn both examined me and they were really thorough. The one thing that I noticed about them is that they...More
"The Atmosphere Is Relaxed And No Pressure."
I have a reoccurring issue with my lower back from long drives in my car to construction sites. A treatment from Dr. Horn literally puts me back to close to 100% immediately so that I don’t miss work and I can function. Also gave me some good information for morning stretches that help avoid the problem from coming back. I feel comfortable coming in to office because the atmosphere is relaxed and no pressure.
Thank you for your help!
August D. (Patient since 1992)
"Highly Recommend Dr. Horn"
I would highly recommend Dr Horn. I’ve seen chiropractors for 23 years. Receptionists are always friendly and the facility is new and decent size with rehab equipment.
Robert G. (Patient since 2012)
"Great And Really Help Me Get Through The Treatment."
I had back pain for years on and off and it was getting worse! I have been to several doctors and all they could give me was pain killers and in a few years I might have to get surgery. I was afraid and started to ask around to my family and friends. Dr. Horns name came up and I decided to give him a try. What could I lose? I started to feel better after the first visit and now after just 3 weeks I feel so much better and can do a lot of the things I thought I would never be able to do again! Thank you Doctor for your help. PS the staff are great and really help me get through the treatment.
Bob, Thankful patient (Patient since 2008)
"Dr. Dan Horn And Dr. Pete Horn Are Awesome!"
Dr. Dan Horn and Dr. Pete Horn are awesome! I’ve seen them on and off over the past 2 years with various back injuries. Unlike other doctors, they take the time to consult and go over all of your questions. I once spent 45 minutes in consultation to discuss my case and was given comprehensive information about therapy and even changing my diet. What doctors do you know that will spend 45 minutes with a patient to answer questions and discuss treatment planning? They are not pill pushers, and take a holistic, natural approach to healing, which I love. I have seen several different chiropractors over the years with my back problems, and have never been treated as well from both a medical and personal standpoint as I have been at this clinic. I will never go anywhere else, and gladly recommend them to my friends and family.
Ivory B. (Patient since 2014)
"Extremely knowledgeable doctors and staff."
Extremely knowledgeable doctors and staff. They truly take the time to explain the thought process behind every thing they do and have you do. Provide feedback and hands on instructions for exercises put together for you to improve. I can't emphasize enough how drastically the improvement in my back pain was. My treatment plan was executed flawlessly and I have not felt any of the pain since. The doctors also gave me at home exercises which I continue to keep up with. Overall their goal is to make sure the client improves daily the correct way. I genuinely felt that they cared about helping me feel better, and the end result proved that to be correct. You would be making a giant mistake if you go anywhere other than Nerve Pain Centers!
Both Dr. Pete Horn & Dr. Daniel Horn have been incredible in my 4 months at their clinic.
Both Dr. Pete Horn & Dr. Daniel Horn have been incredible in my 4 months at their clinic. When I came in I was experiencing back spasms and sciatica, every single day. I had trouble exercising, driving, standing, and even sitting for long periods of time. My pain was up to a 9 out of 10 on some days. I spent a few months receiving weekly adjustments, paired with exercises, stretches and frequent assessments. Now, I am able to get out of bed without pain. I am able to stand and sit for long periods of time without even thinking about the pain I used to experience. And more importantly, I am able to get back to my passion of fitness and exercise. I am beyond thankful for these doctors and their genuine and helpful staff. I would encourage anybody to see this clinic, as they are very knowledgeable and passionate in all areas of health and wellness!
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